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Recommend an Excellence Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
restaurants LA CASCIARA DAL 1902
prodotti tipici IL VIAGGIO DEI SAPORI
restaurants DELIZIE
bakeries Fiore dal 1988
farms Conventino Monteciccardo

Conventino Monteciccardo è una azienda agricola biologica con cantina e frantoio, situata in una valle incantevole, su dolci colline ad un passo dal mare, condotta dalla famiglia Marcantoni dal 2003.

Qui potrai vivere un’accattivante esperienza eno-oleo-gastronomica (visita e degustazione) in grado di soddisfare tutta la tua eno-oleo-curiosità e potrai acquistare gustosissimi Vini e Oli EVO per ricordare un’indimenticabile momento di gioia e bontà. Una grande famiglia di vitigni, principalmente autoctoni, come Bianchello del Metauro, Famoso, Incrocio Bruni 54 e Sangiovese, coltivati con amore e scrupolosa attenzione ai processi di vinificazione, attraverso tecniche all’avanguardia per salvaguardarne qualità e caratteristiche.

La storia e le origini dell’agricola Conventino sono conservate nei suoi oliveti. Dove tutto è nato con la creazione di una linea di oli apprezzata e premiata, in cui spiccano Monocultivar autoctone, tra cui Raggiola, Ascolana Tenera, Rosciola e Leccino.

Conventino Monteciccardo is an organic farm with wine cellar and extravirgin olive oil mill, located in a charming valley, on smooth hills one step away from the sea, managed by Marcantoni family since 2003.

Here you can live an amazing Wine & Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Food experience (visit & tasting) to satisfy all your Wine&EVOO curiosity and you can buy very tasty Wines and EVO Oils to remember an unforgettable moment of joy and goodness. There is a large family of vines, mainly indigenous, as Bianchello del Metauro, Famoso, Incrocio Bruni 54 & Sangiovese, cultivated with love and scrupulous attention to the winemaking processes, using cutting-edge techniques to safeguard their quality and characteristics.

The history and origins of Conventino farm are preserved among the olive trees fields. Where it all started with a creation of an appreciated and awarded oils selection, in which indigenous Monocultivars stand out, including Raggiola, Ascolana Tenera, Rosciola and Leccino.

pasta factories Pastificio Luzzi

Welcome to Pastificio Luzzi
Where every day is a celebration of fresh, homemade pasta!

At Pastificio Luzzi, we take pride in crafting our pasta with love and tradition, ensuring that each bite is bursting with authentic Italian flavors. From classic spaghetti to specialty ravioli, our wide selection of handcrafted pasta varieties will transport you to the heart of Italy with every mouthful.

But it's not just about pasta; it's about family. Our store is infused with the warmth of generations past, where recipes have been passed down and perfected over time. When you step into our store, you're not just a customer – you're part of our family.

As our motto goes, "From our kitchen to your table" all our products are made in-house with the freshest ingredients, guaranteeing quality and flavor that you won't find anywhere else. Whether you're craving a comforting lasagna bolognese or eager to try our speciality tiramisu, we invite you to experience the true taste of Italy right here in Binnen Oranjestraat 11H, Amsterdam.

But beyond the food, it's the smiles, laughter, and shared moments that truly define us. We strive to create a welcoming atmosphere where friends and families can come together to enjoy delicious food and create lasting memories. Our cozy store echoes with the clinking of forks and the chatter of delighted patrons, as each bite becomes a part of a cherished experience.

Here, it's not just about satisfying hunger; it's about nourishing the soul. If you're celebrating a special occasion or simply indulging in a midweek treat, our pasta brings people together in a celebration of life's simple joys.
So whether you're a pasta enthusiast or a curious newcomer, we can't wait to welcome you into our pasta-loving family.
Come join us at where every day is a celebration of flavor, tradition, and togetherness.

Buon appetito pasta lovers!

agribusiness Antico Frantoio Nunzi